Sunday, July 14, 2013

July 14, 2013

This week was pretty awesome for us here in Gongju. I now have 3 more weeks left which is pretty crazy…..actually I have a little less than that left but we'll call it 3 weeks :). The work is going really well though, we were able to find some more new investigators last week and we're seeing a lot of miracles from the Lord. On Saturday we had a woman call us and tell us that she wanted to come out to our ward and on Sunday we picked her up with one of our members. Unfortunately we have a lot of little kids in our ward (who are mega brats….) and they were really noisy which kind of ruined her church experience, but we hope that she comes out next week as well. Right now we are advertising a lot for our English Village that will be happening on the last Saturday of this month. We go to Daejeon twice a week to hand out fliers and it seems that a lot of people have interest in coming so we're hoping it turns out good. An English Village is somewhere where people can use in English in real practical situations. We'll have a make shift post office and restaurant and other stuff like that where people can come in and talk to us like they want to order food or mail a letter or something like that. They are really popular in Korea so we're hoping through it we can share our church message with a lot of people. We're going to advertise for it more this week but hopefully all goes well! I'll see all of you in 3 weeks!

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