Sunday, February 24, 2013

Feb. 25, 2013

So transfer calls were this morning and I'm still going to be here in Suwon which will be exciting for me. My companion Elder Wedam will actually be still living with me, he will just be in the other room with Elder Kim. I will be getting another greenie again this transfer so I'm looking forward to it, it should be really exciting. I have no idea who he is, but I'll let you know next week. Another big change is my district got a whole lot smaller. They are splitting my huge district into 2 smaller ones so now my district is just the people who serve in Shinpung ward. So there are 6 of us (2 sisters, 4 elders) so it should be fun. The sister in my district will be training as well so we'll have 2 greenies in our really small district so it should be fun. I'm really excited because now when I train I can just talk about ways to improve our ward and we can talk about more specific things which will be really awesome. That's the really big news from last week (actually just this morning), my investigators are doing fine, the area is ok, the ward is ok, everything is ok. There is work that needs to be done and we're now coordinating our efforts as missionaries and working on ways we can help our ward progress and become a really solid ward. We have a ward family home evening tonight which we are all really excited for, we hope it goes well and the members like it as well as our investigators.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Feb. 17, 2013

Like always, this past week was pretty normal for us. We were invited over to a lot of members' homes for meals this past week so that was really nice for us. We were able to also meet with a new investigator this week which was fun as well. His name is Kim Ju Sung and he's like 65ish and wants to learn English from us. The only problem is that he really sucks at it. Haha, but it's ok, he's a nice guy and is open to our church teachings. When we first met with him we talked on the phone with his daughter and told her who we were and then when we gave the phone back to him I could here her telling her dad that we were crazy and that he shouldn't meet with us, but he's a nice guy and decided to just keep meeting with us anyways. He's curious as to why people say we are crazy and as we've been meeting he says that he understands more and he thinks that we are normal so that's a good thing. We have another investigator named Choi Sung Yong and he's doing super well also. He hasn't committed to baptism yet because he hates not keeping his promises, but right now he's trying to live the word of wisdom which is really awesome to see. He likes drinking coffee as a stress reducer, but now he switched to soy milk and he seems to be doing pretty well. He has a lot of desire to be a good husband and person, so we're showing him how the gospel can help him with his desires. Hopefully this week he'll be able to come out to church, but because his work schedule always changes we have no idea.

Feb. 11, 2013

Well this week was a little slow for us because of Sollar (or known to the rest of the world Chinese New Year). Everyone goes out of town during Chinese New Year to visit their relatives and stuff like that, so we met most of our investigators before Thursday, then after that we pretty much had nothing to do. Since Chinese New Year is really big here, we were required to do a deep house cleaning this past week so we spent the weekend scrubbing the floors of our house and making sure that everything was clean. Needless to say it was pretty gross when we started because most missionaries have no idea how to take care of themselves, but now our house is a lot better and I actually enjoy living in it! I wish I could report more on my investigators, but needless to say they are doing well and slowly progressing towards Christ. We will continue to meet with them this week so hopefully all goes well with them!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Feb. 3, 2013

Well time seems to keep flying here in South Korea, I found out recently that I only have about 6 months left, so that was a pretty profound realization. This past week for us was pretty average to say the least... We had zone conference earlier in the week which was nice because I didn't have to prepare any training for my district, so that was a plus. I also went on a split last week with some Elders in my district and it went pretty well. I had served around one of them (Elder Jo) when I lived in Jeonju and he is a real fire ball. He is really active in talking with everyone so it was fun serving with him for the day. I went on a mini split on Thursday night as well with Elder Warner because I had 2 appointments and couldn't be at 2 places at one so he was willing to help out which was great. I wish I could say that our investigators are making leaps towards baptism, but they are not unfortunately. They are making progress which is good, but nothing too special to be reported on them. One of our investigators named Lee Cheong Yong is doing good, we meet with him at his house and his mom recently has been gaining a little interest in who we are as missionaries. She loves cooking for us too because she wants us to experience Korean food so I love going over to his house, we go almost everyday to meet and talk with him. He's doing well though, he can tell that he is slowly changing as he meets with us and reads out of the BoM, so that's definitely good. The weather recently has spanned from really warm to cold, so I have no idea what to expect anymore. This next week is the Lunar New Year, so on Saturday we are just going to stay home and clean our's ridiculous, I have to clean my house on my birthday......oh well, at least my house will be clean I guess!