Sunday, February 26, 2012

Feb. 26, 2012

This past week was pretty slow for us. We spent a lot of time looking for less actives and trying to contact formers with some gospel interest, but we didn't see a whole lot of success, but we did get 1 new investigator out of it! She was an investigator a while back and she almost got baptized, but her husband was really against the church and didn't let her so she kind of just fell away a little bit. Fortunately we were able to meet with her and she still does have a lot of interest, but we are trying to meet the husband as well and get rid of his negative feelings against the Church. We met with a lot of our investigators and none of them really progressed which was sad, but there is hope with a few so I hope that there will be some good news in my next entry. We did see a miracle while we were knocking on doors last night though. We talked to a man and he actually invited us into his house and we were able to talk about the Book of Mormon with him and about the restoration which was really good. He is a Christian and doesn't like how the Preachers just preach for money, so he liked how at our church we don't have people like that. My new companion is not really the best at Korean either so I usually have to teach our lessons and share messages with familes and at first it was really different, but I'm enjoying it now because it gives me an opportunity to do missionary work the way I like to do it and also it helps a lot with my Korean language ability!

Feb. 19, 2012

So transfers happened this past week so I said goodbye to a lot of my members in my old ward and headed out for Chungju. On Wednesday night I stayed in my Greenie House with my trainer because of my weird travel plans, and then on Thursday I met my new companion Elder Paxman and took a bus to my new area. The new area is in the countryside and a lot of our investigators have a whole bunch of English interest and not much gospel interest, so my goal is to get some of them dropped. In this area we serve in 2 cities, so we rotate which church we go to each week. This week we went out to Jecheon city and attended the branch there and it was pretty crazy. There were about 45 members there, and about 30 of those were children under the age of 10 so it was pretty wild during sacrament meeting. The members out there are really nice though and one member brought her sister-in-law which was really good. It doesn't seem like she has a whole lot of interest yet, but we plan on meeting with her and beginning the lessons which will be good.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Feb. 13, 2012

Last week was a slower week for us, our Mission President came out for our district meeting on Tuesday and we visited some of our investigators with him as well as one less active member which was really good. This week was also my birthday, but unfortunately I got sick so that was not really fun. On Sunday though we had a confirmation and he seemed really happy to be taking this giant step in his life, we always worry about his future activity in the church, but as of right now he is doing great. Today we got transfer calls and I'm going to an area called Chungju, it is in the same district as my greenie area and i went on a split out there during my greenie transfer. My new companion's name is Elder Paxman so it will be fun serving with him.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Feb. 5, 2012

Things have been looking up here, like I said we had our baptism yesterday.He was kind of an eternal investigator and he finally got baptized which was super awesome. That was the main highlight of last week and we will hopefully have 2 more next week, but our investigator who is supposed to bet baptized next week thought that her date was at the end of this month, so when we told her about next week it kind of took her by surprise. She is super golden though and is really prepared so we'll see what happens I guess.  I'm understanding more and sometimes when I talk with members I'm surprised with how much Korean comes out of my mouth. It really is a miracle. I understand more what is going around me, but I still kind of stutter when I speak.